freeStory Prompts 

Want a fun way to generate new ideas for writing & break through those little creative block moments?

Get unstuck in projects that you have put to the side & set your writer’s mind off in new directions. 

Use these 15 prompt ideas to practice & stretch your writing muscles!

I’m Yolanda Allen, a self-published mystery author, freelance proofreader/beta reader, & I create digital planners for indie authors such as my business planner: the Author Essentials Planner & my novel planner: the Author Essentials Novel Planner

I’ve been writing since I was a teen and I am a true lover of words. I guess it’s no surprise that I would be in the words business when I grew up. 🙂

Whether you are a newbie writing your first novel or a seasoned pro, these story prompts will be sure to jumpstart your imagination. These prompts are simple enough to give you a great start & leave room for your brain to fill in all the missing details. 

This freebie will help those that feel like they can’t come up with any ideas or those that feel like they don’t need help getting ideas. Trust me, once you start writing down your thoughts from these prompts, no matter how crazy they seem to you…you’ll be surprised at what your beautiful brain comes up with.

Every great thing created started from an idea!

Let’s Make It Happen!

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